Become active in a professional association. This means doing more than paying dues and showing up for meetings. 积极参与专业协会。这并不是说你只是交交会费,出席一下会议。
The Association of Micro-Brewed Beer Producers ( AMBP) offers membership in its organization to beer producers who meet their strict criteria for quality and who pay the annual dues. 微酿啤酒制造商协会(AssociationofMicro-BrewedBeerProducers,AMBP)在其组织内为达到他们严格的质量标准和缴纳年度费用的啤酒制造商们提供会员资格。
Suspended for failure to pay her bar association dues. 因为没支付律师协会费用被暂停执照。
If the association's services aren't produced directly by association members themselves, the decision-making of prospective members is affected by three factors that are dues, exit fee and uncertainty of service. 针对于非生产性协会组织,潜在会员的决策受到行业协会服务水平的不确定性、会费及退出成本这三个因素的影响。
The association continued to explore methods to improve the cadre system. It tried to focus on the development of the activists, training of amateur cadres. As for the dues, there was the phenomenon of wasting or overstock contributions. 针对这些暴露出的问题,友协不断摸索改善干部制度的方法,着重发展积极分子,培训业余干部;会费方面,各地存在滥用或积压会费现象。